Life of Brian

By Anonymous - 29/09/2020 05:02

Today, I never wanted a wife, so of course I got married. I never wanted kids, so of course my unwanted wife insisted we have two. My mother-in-law, who I wish daily would get hit by a bus, just got hired at my workplace. My only pleasure in life is fishing and my kids just broke my only rod. FML
I agree, your life sucks 729
You deserved it 4 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your misery is mostly your own fault for getting married when you didn't want to, and after that agreeing to kids you didn't want instead if getting a divorce(assuming your wife was insistent). Do you not love your children? How sad for them. I see this as an FML for your wife and children.

power_in_the_now 19

Nobody can force you to say I do, even if she Proposed bc you “never wanted to get married”— and IF you asked her for her hand then WTF are you complaining about. Nobody forced you to be at the alter after you went in person to the courthouse to apply and purchase the marriage license. YOU—-YOU did that, Then if you never wanted kids, who the hell stopped you from nipping your balls! Huh? ONLY your own little brain did. SO that fact you have two little kids is your own damn fault bc no one ****** your wife with YOUR seed but YOU. Then even with all that your a shitty DAD for not teaching your children to respect other people’s items


Your misery is mostly your own fault for getting married when you didn't want to, and after that agreeing to kids you didn't want instead if getting a divorce(assuming your wife was insistent). Do you not love your children? How sad for them. I see this as an FML for your wife and children.

They broke your only fishing rod. You have another rod that can be another pleasure in life.

JudgeJoke 3

If he used that rod instead of getting the wife and kids he didn't want, he wouldn't be in this mess.

power_in_the_now 19

Nobody can force you to say I do, even if she Proposed bc you “never wanted to get married”— and IF you asked her for her hand then WTF are you complaining about. Nobody forced you to be at the alter after you went in person to the courthouse to apply and purchase the marriage license. YOU—-YOU did that, Then if you never wanted kids, who the hell stopped you from nipping your balls! Huh? ONLY your own little brain did. SO that fact you have two little kids is your own damn fault bc no one ****** your wife with YOUR seed but YOU. Then even with all that your a shitty DAD for not teaching your children to respect other people’s items

maybe learn to make better choices and stop wasting everyone elses time?

Sarah Yamabo 15

While I get why everyone is giving you a hard time, we also don’t know the full story such as your cultural background, etc... Lots of cultures/parents out there force their children to take the traditional path and make decisions they don’t necessarily want to make and they basically have no way out because of whatever reasons. If you were forced to go through with this for cultural reasons and you were afraid of being disowned by your family or even worst have something happening to you, I feel sorry for you for being stuck like that. But I definitely also feel sorry for the family you helped create because no child deserves to be unloved by their parent.

I agree with this and I have seen it first hand and it happened to a few friends. in my case we had to break up because the dad wanted to arrange a marriage and stuff. we broke up and she doing her best to hold off the marriage but its inevitable. she doesn't want to be disowned by the fam especially since they paying her student loans and stuff and she trying to be a lawyer we still meet on the dl every now and then but its getting rarer and rarer but it is what it is.

smackthat23 3

Gross. I feel badly for your family

I know this may be difficult depending on your situation and where you live but try to get some therapy you sound extremely depressed.

tounces7 27

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JoanT 11

Pretty sure you’re my brothers boss