Liquid fun

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Louisville

Today, I found out why my girlfriend has lost interest in our relationship. She's found out she likes drinking. A lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 003
You deserved it 4 018

Top comments

aruam365 24

Hopefully she'll realize soon that she has a problem and seek help, ideally with you by her side.

perdix 29

You could be noble and take her to AA meetings and support her through the 12 steps. Or, you could be smart and dump that sloppy drunk.


Drinking is a real problem. Sorry OP. hopefully y'all can work it out before it gets worse.

perdix 29

You could be noble and take her to AA meetings and support her through the 12 steps. Or, you could be smart and dump that sloppy drunk.

$10 says she'll later blame her drinking problem on the breakup.

If everyone in this world decided to be smart instead of noble why would you bother to even relate to other people? Sooner or later they all make mistakes some greater than others and they all need a friend's help to move on.

If she's an alcoholic there's probably something causing it, in which case she needs help and support. If she just drinks for the hell of it then get shot of her, it's not worth the trouble it will undoubtedly cause you.

This is serious stuff. She probably has a drinking problem, and she needs help. If this is the case, stand by her side.

dont be quick to dump her op. if you really love her youll try getting her help. hopefully shell be willing to get that help. of not then I would reconsider whether or not sticking around would be worth all the trouble. seeing as how shes already lost interest in the relationship, it probably wont be.

perdix 29

Ouch! You got bird-dogged by Captain Morgan! Sorry, dude.

See if she's willing to get help, if not you should draw your conclusions...I know people whose partner is an alcoholic in denial and it isn't pretty.

Well try and talking to her. I mean explain what she is doing is whiskey and she could lose you. I mean don't wine about it on FML to us try and sort out the relationship. Try and keep high spirits and help her out. If she doesn't want it than you should end the relationship and find someone else

You should beer in mind that ending a relationship is always hard.

LiterOfCola 16

Maybe they need a break. Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder, after all. Might as well give it a shot, but hey... Nobody flasked me

olpally 32

She needs help. Help her before it ruins her life.