Liquid fun

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Louisville

Today, I found out why my girlfriend has lost interest in our relationship. She's found out she likes drinking. A lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 003
You deserved it 4 018

Top comments

aruam365 24

Hopefully she'll realize soon that she has a problem and seek help, ideally with you by her side.

perdix 29

You could be noble and take her to AA meetings and support her through the 12 steps. Or, you could be smart and dump that sloppy drunk.


Never drink "problems" away...I discussion works better...'re probably the reason she drinks!!!

you cannot know that! Maybe there are lots of reasons she drinks. It is a serious problem and regardless, if OP is doing something she resorts to drinking rather than talking, something is wrong.

lightanddark 17
Obey_StudBoii 23

Be a friend and start taking her to AA meetings. My ex gfs mom was an alcoholic and a horrible one at it. All she did was drink cases of wine one after another. It got so bad we had to hide her keys, credit cards and money just to keep her from not drinking. Bad memories. Good luck OP.

Why does everyone assume shes an alcoholic? We all go through times in our lives were not proud of.... Regardless she needs a strong person by her side and if that's not enough to get her through it... She truly does need help and still needs someone by her side...

icepick23 12

Why not combine the two & take a bartending class together?

JoseIsAdork 31

drinking is a serious issue, hope she can get help, but as for you op, sorry that happened!

Well **** me running... Been there done that! Guess that is what happens when you chase women in their 20s