Liquid fun

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Louisville

Today, I found out why my girlfriend has lost interest in our relationship. She's found out she likes drinking. A lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 003
You deserved it 4 018

Top comments

aruam365 24

Hopefully she'll realize soon that she has a problem and seek help, ideally with you by her side.

perdix 29

You could be noble and take her to AA meetings and support her through the 12 steps. Or, you could be smart and dump that sloppy drunk.


Get out soon then- my ex did the same thing. It changes people...

You may want to consider Al-anon meetings for yourself. Alcohol is a family disease, it affects the whole family. Even if she isn't ready to get help Al-anon might help you understand what she is going though, and help you learn to deal with her addiction. A change in you can help her realize that she needs, and wants help.

Maybe she'll pass out in a good position

So bond with her over a nice cold beer....unless you don't drink but they do have non alcoholic beer out there OP, so fake it till you make it!

Oh dear. I went through a phase of this as in uni - the only way I realised it was impacting my life is when someone took away my source of money to buy alcohol. Would make her mad, but might be worth a try?

VaveJessop 6

If you care about her, you'll at least try to see if you can salvage things before you leave. Sounds like you've grown pretty far apart already though, if you just found out she's been drinking. If she's young, maybe she's just having fun and it isn't as bad as it seems.

Get her help and run. Its hard to say that but from personal experience, nothing hurts more then to know people will choose instant gratification over the one they love. Alcohol can ruin any relationship

i know how you feel :/ happened to me too. :/ she even died of eccessive drinking

The quicker you dump her, the quicker she realizes how destructive it can be. You'll be doing both yourselves a favor.

If you care about her, you'll help her get treatment.