Long haul

By sandwhiched - 01/01/2015 08:52 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went on a roadtrip with my boyfriend and his best friend. What I thought was going to be a great, fun time ended up with me alone in a car with two large men who wouldn't stop farting for 14 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 750
You deserved it 4 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I know EXACTLY how you feel, OP. FYL for sure.

I feel bad for you....but that's everyday with my dad {>_

make them smell your fingers, they'll stop farting.

Smart move, should've assumed something of the sorts would've happened

That stinks OP, but I must gas you a question. Did you not expect it?

Avoid the Taco Bell. There's always air freshener.

If you can't beat them... Join them.. Hah

thejimler 9

How can you be both alone in the car, and stuck with 2 men farting for 14 hours? ...Fart ghost?