Long haul

By sandwhiched - 01/01/2015 08:52 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I went on a roadtrip with my boyfriend and his best friend. What I thought was going to be a great, fun time ended up with me alone in a car with two large men who wouldn't stop farting for 14 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 750
You deserved it 4 850

Same thing different taste

Top comments


fabrez... your best friend on a road trip in a car...

meli1195 31

that's a very interesting way of spelling febreze... I like it

I hope the windows were down at least.

If the weather was cold like it has been this week, I doubt it.

xninix_fml 36

@18 I'd rather be cold than have to smell that.

Windows down, headphones and music so you don't have to hear anything and for the love of all that is good don't stop a Taco Bell.

larrena2377 26

@22, I agree with you. white castle burgers make your farts noxious times 2!

I really really feel your pain OP. When my husband, his father and brothers are in the same room having farting contests... it can become really deadly, even when the contest 'ends'. You just cannot escape...

Your priority should have been to avoid any kind of beans, frijoles, or any similar food on the way.

dakotaabriannee 14

That sounds pretty shitty butt come on that's kinda a given! You should've expected that!

neuronerd 28

How were you alone in a car when there were 2 men in it?