By hungry - 01/01/2015 05:50 - United States
Same thing different taste
Taking advantage
By Stigmamma - 28/06/2020 05:06
By Mimi - 16/04/2013 01:35 - United States - Vallejo
Bodyshaming king
By Anonymous - 19/03/2022 10:00 - United States - Little Rock
By Glutton - 28/01/2010 01:29 - United States
By apparentfatty - 11/11/2011 11:50 - Canada
By Anonymous - 14/09/2011 18:21 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/12/2017 06:00
Don't attempt this
By jammy - 25/06/2024 07:00 - United States
You do you
By JesstheMess - 21/02/2025 17:00 - United States - Albertville
By brittrod - 05/12/2011 01:13 - United States
Top comments
Some people have fast metabolisms, dont fret! Just do more cardio and maybe drink a protien shake in place of a meal if you want to gain muscle as well
#1: OP's talking about 1 pound over a couple days; that's too small a difference to guarantee it's not just water-weight and poop.
Its a 5 pound difference since she gained 3 and he lost 2. Over 4 days. My comment still stands
Although, if she gains muscle, she'll put on weight too. Muscle is denser than fat.
Never replace a meal with a protein shake.. add a protein shake.
....also just drinking a protein shake won't gain you any muscle. You have to actually do weights or it will just turn into pure fat. If it were that easy to gain muscle then everyone would be ripped haha
Depends on the protien shake, and by meal i was thinking lunch or something. And of course, being fit requires effort As for muscle being denser than fat, absolutely, yes, but being heavy isn't necessarily unhealthy. Weighing 190 pounds from fat is drastically different than 190 from muscle :)
#53: Some shakes are actually specifically meal replacements and should, in fact, replace meals (1 if you want to maintain weight, 2 if you want to lose weight). Health is 80 percent nutrition, 20 percent exercise, and 100 percent mindset. Seriously, if you focus on becoming healthy... the weight will take care of itself. I am speaking through my own experience (both from my own journey of becoming healthy and from being a health and wellness coach) and the experience of so many others I have the great fortune to know.
Also, make sure you're not just looking at weight but body fat percentage. A person who weighs less does not automatically have less body fat. Sometimes their lack of weight equals a lack of muscle.
However that's a really fast metabolism for four days. I call bs
so not fair *sigh*
It sucks, but it's true. It's due to women having more fat on their bodies for babies and birth, we just have to work a bit harder to get fit. Its just so much harder to lose weight. In health we learned that, for the most part, men don't really have to work for a flat stomach, just watch what they eat. It's so unfair:3
But women have boobs and everyone knows boobs are the best thing in the world.
Actually, #3, muscle is denser than fat, so if you do it right you could just gain weight. Genetic differences between genders doesn't do much to effect metabolism, it's genetics of your family. Obviously this gets way deeper than we're going to get here. But learn yourself on some Biology! And it's only been 4 days, give it some time
Actually 14, boobs aren't really that great. They're only good because they are squishy. That is why I like my boobs. Boobs give a ton of back pain and most the time are different sizes, and that's really annoying. But squishy overrules all.
Men tend to lose weight faster then women. Keep to it and I'm sure things will pay off.
Or maybe she's been eating junk food more than he has, lol.
Just keep trying OP:) If you give up now you won't progress at all. So just keep trying your best, in time you will see better results.
I read somewhere that snacking a lot can help with metabolism. So, basically, if you try to stop eating often, then you're just going to gain weight, but don't quote me on that.
It's when you eat multiple small meals a day rather than 2 big meals (breakfast and dinner) and 1 small meal (lunch) a day.
"if you try to stop eating often, then you're just going to gain weight." -ilovefall10
You can also try fasting which is what im trying, metabolism is just your body naturally burning off fat, but you you have a calorie deficiency your body will need to convert fat to calories.
Theres always tape worms,
How the hell do you not notice that you gained 35lbs?!
#60, #55 was referring to #41's comment.
Yeah eating more often keeps your metabolism going. Not eating sends your body into starvation mode and you can actually gain weight.
The average persons weight fluctuates 1-3 pounds everyday. Don't count it as weight gain unless its more than that Op. Don't worry about it too much
Well, do it for your health also! And stop looking at just the scale numbers. You can thin up and still stay the same weight if fat is converted onto muscle?
#27 The idea that the weight of the fat burned and the muscle gained equals each other still gets across. Therefore the persons weight stays the same
Sorry, my first comment didn't show up so I reposted. Then it appeared.
Yeah true #27. But when most people say "convert" they mean burn fat and gain muscle instead.

Men just lose it easier, it's ****** up, but for the most part true.
Some people have fast metabolisms, dont fret! Just do more cardio and maybe drink a protien shake in place of a meal if you want to gain muscle as well