
By Peter Parker - 30/08/2016 23:19 - United States - Redlands

Today, after a few days of getting what seemed like an odd, scattered rash every time I showered, I finally figured out the problem. It turns out I wasn't just allergic to all the different soap I tried. Apparently a family of very angry spiders have decided to make my loofah their new home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 264
You deserved it 1 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hellobobismyname 24

I fail to see how a) you couldn't see a whole family of spiders living in your loofah and b) how the family of spiders lived through multiple sessions of you putting soap and water on the loofah and rubbing it vigorously all over your body.

Loofahman, Loofahman, does whatever a Loofah can.


OH HELL NO! Get rid of that thing, STAT! I hate loofahs as it is; they don't seem to be very clean to me. But regardless, holy shit. That is traumatizing. I'd be permanently afraid to use those things.

I don't think I'll ever use a loofah again. Back to washcloths for me!

Replace the loofah regularly if you must use one, but they are a bad idea in general. A wash cloth or your hands are much better.