Look out!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, on my way to work, I swerved to avoid hitting a dead animal. Too bad I ended up hitting a live one instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 548
You deserved it 9 173

Top comments


texas_redneck88 10

Why in the hell would you swerve to miss hittin' a dead animal?! It's dead, who cares!!

texas_redneck88 10

And..........your point is...........? I don't why whenever someone post a FML about hittin' an animal w/ their vehicle and everybody says 'aww poor animal.....blah blah blah". Shit ******' happens, big deal an animal got killed, it's not the end of the world

you're a redneck, you eat roadkill. BTW It could have been a large ******* animal, not a raccon, skunk, cat, ETC. Moron.

ikickgingers 15

Uh I live in ny. The crazy ass rain has caused an indecent amount of roadkill. Personally - I swerve to not run over the dead skunk and his sac of putrid scent.

Or maybe to avoid damaging their car? Not everyone owns a monster truck.(: I have a low rider.

texas_redneck88 10

I don't have a monster truck, I got a F-150 that doesn't have a lift or anythin' on it and I still run over animals in the road. Unless it's a dog or somethin larger, don't want to do any body damage.

Well then, perhaps it was a dog or something larger that was in the road. Lol I've heard deer can cause some major damage to a car. I don't have those where I am. I've only come across a few opossums.

ikickgingers 15

Yes, the real question though: do you think my tractors sexy?

Okay first of all, I'm pretty sure you would care if you ran over a dead animal and a bunch of blood splattered over your tires and car. :l. Also, even if their dead, animals deserve some respect. If a dead animal was on the road you would just run over it... to me, that's just cruel. >(

texas_redneck88 10

If only you had Bridgestone tires, this whole mess could have been avoided.

You should be called butter, cause your on a roll bro!

MANswer's question: How do you get fresh meat for free? Roadkill.

******* animals... Be glad you weren't on a motorcycle. Stupid things will get you killed.

That could cause accidents.. You're not even supposed to move for a live animal.

Aww poor animal. And that sucks OP. At least you tried to avoid that.