Look out!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, on my way to work, I swerved to avoid hitting a dead animal. Too bad I ended up hitting a live one instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 548
You deserved it 9 173

Top comments


You swerved to avoid a DEAD animal?? Why?? Unless it was something big that might have damaged your car, just barge on over the top of it. Imagine if you'd swerved into another car or pedestrian?? And slow down. If you're going so fast you can't slow down in time to carefully avoid something that is DEAD in the middle of the road (ie, it's not alive and running out in front of you) then you're going too fast.

KrazyLove54 0
YoshiXclusive 0

Your ****** up. Could of ran the dead animal instead.

Iamaninchworm 0

Atleast you didn't swerve from a turtle and hit a tree

If it's a deer he did the right thing becasuse dead or not it can

ChrisTheCalm 9

At least you have dinner to bring in to your family. Imagine that prank, that should cheer you up.

IamMe95 5