Low blow

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found myself crying in the bathroom because I started to feel lonely and depressed. My mother came into the bathroom, hearing me cry and gave me an hour long speech about what a beautiful human being I am… And to not forget to lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 941
You deserved it 5 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uhhh_awkward 0

I am so sorry. OP! I am sure you are a beautiful beautiful person inside and out! Maybe your mom was just having a bad day. Lover her and yourself no matter what! Take care! :)

riskakitty 0

good job on boosting your mood huh?


I get randomly depressed like that. But I don't cry about it. And I certainly lock the door when I go to a bathroom.

well just remember next time your in the bathroom, lock the door, fill the bathtub or the wounds will close and it's down the road, not across the street...just saying

Blade89 0

9- Haha, I've been wondering that forever. Also, nobody seems to know the difference between "your" and "you're." ):

deformedsurf 0

Is it worse to be a skinny bitch or a fat bitch?

KiddNYC1O 20

Your pimp doesn't care if your fat, as long as you bring home the money.

Vexation 0

Nobody? You both are incorrect in that aspect.

Nine001 0

My mom would come in and say "stop whining"...

Maybe your mom is just being realistic about the correlation to being healthy and self-confidence. While I'm sure "lose weight" isn't what you wanted to hear in your mood, she could just be being realistic. That isn't to say you are fat. I don't know you, nor do I have ANY idea what you look like - but bottom line, regardless of the number on a scale, people who work out and eat healthy tend to be happier and more confident overall. Has to do with both feeling good about yourself physiologically and the fact that a healthy lifestyle leads to a higher production of "feel good" chemicals in our brains (serotonin, endorphins, etc). Honestly, having suffered through a severe chemical depression AND having DONE THE WORK to lose weight (110 lbs) and enhance my daily life through healthy living practices (eating right, working out, cognitive thinking), I can say I have never been happier. And I am here NOT because I was babied and coddled when I was at my lows, but because I was pushed to make the necessary changes on my own. Heed your moms advice and you may find yourself in the bathroom crying way less, if at all.

#43, don't be an ass, she's a 15-16 year old girl and you're saying shit like that to her? really? What's wrong if she's a daddy's girl? Why put her down and call her names like that if you don't know her? she takes pride in her good health and shape, nothing wrong with that. btw, I'm 17. screw-off #43.