Lower your expectations

By franky - 25/03/2013 21:45 - Germany - Brunswick

Today, at a romantic dinner my boyfriend was treating me to, the waiter brought a "Will you marry me?" cake out, with candles and sparklers. I probably should have checked that they'd brought it to the right table before dramatically screaming ,"Yes!" and jumping into my boyfriend's arms. They hadn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 128
You deserved it 7 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least your boyfriend knows what you'll say if he ever asks.

Did the couple the cake was intended for at least give you a slice?


admit it you ordered the cake...... jk

#37, people have been making pun jokes here on FML for years. They're funny, but they're not creative. Your comment sucked, your puns were poorly chosen and poorly utilised, and that's your fault, not the FML community's. Calling people retarded because they didn't like your shitty comment says more about YOUR mental state than theirs. Please exile yourself to that tropical island, now. :)

Atchoo 8

Looks like that restaurant had to comp dinner for two couples that night.... and maybe fire a waiter.

Chucklikesbacon 12

Well, it's not your fault, how should you have known? Though I still feel bad for the couple that the cake was intended for, since the suprise was ruined.

MsMourningStar 22

I'm very curious what his response to this was.

TheyCallMeDamien 17
anne1_fml 13

What did he do? Is what I'm wanting to know.

I expect to see his FML here soon. now he has to propose. lol

Their fault for mixing up the tables. fyl

onorexveritas 23

honest mistake... but a suckish one