
By popeye - 25/02/2010 15:18 - United States

Today, I was trying to take the cap off a can of spray cooking oil. It was really stuck so I pulled extra hard. It flew off and I punched myself in the head. I also sprayed myself in the eye with it. The lump on my forehead and my swollen shut eye make me look like Popeye, but I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 106
You deserved it 5 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You should have just used Olive Oyl! What were you cooking, swee' peas? Agig-agig-agig!

you should get revenge on the can of oil, find its mother, and blast her with the shot gun that you have. that'll teach the can of cooking oil not to be pissy


YDI for using fake food (spray cooking oil) be an un-poor and un-trashy human being and use olive oil

bk_chick13 0

Why did you mention that youre a girl? I'm sure being a guy and looking like Popeye is still FML worthy

Hey, Popeye would be one hot chick. I'd do him/her/it.

at least u were in the kitchen attempting to cook something like ur supposed 2. lol.

markisunder0ath 0

you don't need cooking oil to make a sammich!

can't you use normal oil, that comes out from a normal bottle? certainly healthier, more natural and you wouldn't look ridiculous now

sounds like something that i would do. . . haha but ouch that sucks!