Major red flag

By notpregnant - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Italy

Today, I woke up with a pillow under my t-shirt. Turns out my boyfriend wanted to "see if I would look hot even when pregnant". We've been dating for three weeks now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 980
You deserved it 5 371

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

If you've only been dating for 3 weeks then why are you already sleeping together?

and you're not ashamed of calling people like him "boyfriend"? and you sleep together after a 3 week relationship? god.


namhowell 6

OMG who the hell argue on and on and on over a FML that is not even yours? FYL OP, not because of your weird story, but cause of annoying readers/repliers.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's one weird assed bf!

dump the creeper... cuz he'll make u pregnant whether u want to or not

yay___addi 0

youve only been dating three weeks??? and ur sleeping with him... can u say ho

You say that like normal people speed date, and I think you're confused; you're meant to insult guys about how long it takes them in bed.

adele77 2

ok calm down what the heck is yall's problem and btw if u got that much freetime...well...GET A LIFE!!! and yeah I agree with twinklestar but come on I mean really get of fml if u have a problem

Nowhere in this FML does it say they slept together. What's wrong with napping with someone or staying the night at their house, regardless of the length of the relationship? I think, in that kind of situation, it would truly *be* an FML. Not even has their relationship reached the level of having sex, and her boyfriend is stuffing pillows in her shirt and pondering her eventual pregnancy. Creepy.

creepy... if they were five. They are going steady, the boyfriend is obviously just joking. But I don't know what kind of boyfriend dates their girlfriend without wondering about the future.

Twinklestar, you're right that if the two people agree to have sex, that's their choice. But you are criticizing the people who don't believe that. So, I don't know how you people managed to make that a huge argument. And just because she woke up with him doesn't mean they had sex. She had a t-shirt on, she could have just fallen asleep during a movie.

Malinkrot 3

so you are saying that its ok to voice your opinions when you are criticizing people for having sex, but when you are defending them (like twinklestar is doing) its bad? hypocritical...

Maddoctor 10

I think everyone is getting so riled up about Twinklestar because she's not really fighting fair. She basically said people are "prudish" and have "hang ups" regarding sex when they don't jump in the sack after knowing each other for three weeks, which set some people off. There are many adults to wait a while for the emotional intimacy in a relationship, and there are many who go for the physical stuff. Neither is bad, one is just a little bit safer and reassuring.

I didn't say that. I couldn't care less if people want to wait to have sex. In fact I think it would be good if a lot of people in the comments section waited until they were past child bearing age to have children to have sex. But if you think everyone should have the same conservative opinions about sex then it's prudish.

Erm, I think Twinklestar was only calling people prudes if they were calling OP a *****, or such (not entirely sure, too many comments to go through now). I'm of the view 3 weeks is okay to sleep together, but I'd respect someone else's decision to wait longer. What irritates me is when they call someone a *****/****/whatever for sleeping with someone at 3 weeks (like a lot of people have done here). THAT'S where being a prude comes in.

Maddoctor 10

I don't think I ever saw anyone say OP is a *****. And yes Twinklestar, you did say that. I read the words "prudish" and "weird hang ups about sex" in your post. Like I said, neither view is wrong, but the wording could put some people off.

I didn't say anyone called the OP a ***** and neither did the poster above you really. They simply pointed out that was the implication of a lot of the disapproving posts, although they couldn't be bothered scrolling up and reading through all the comments for the exact wording. I also didn't say I didn't use those words. I said they were directed at people who thought everyone should wait for a relatively long period of time and not at people who personally want to wait, because as I've said numerous times now, I couldn't care less if someone personally wants to wait to have sex.

Maddoctor 10

That was my misunderstanding then. By no means do I think people should wait months on end to start doing the nasty. I mean, technically speaking I waited a day, although my boyfriend and I had broadly dated off and on a year prior to that, so we knew each other better than anyone else at that point. However, I do think waiting to see whether the relationship could turn into something and if you truly care about the person would be helpful. So many times have I seen people (girls and guys alike) rush into sex with their "significant others" after only a couple of weeks and find that it ruined what could have been a great relationship. And I'm not just talking about the kids in my highschool, but people I know who are in their second and third year at college.

Well the OP had already been dating three weeks, which is almost a month, so it kind of does sound like you are implying she should wait months on end. I'm not really interested in how long you waited. It's not relevant and I wasn't asking. I don't think I could be any more clear about the fact I do not care how you choose to apply your own views about sex to your own life. Simply when you feel you need to apply those views to everyones lives. I very much doubt sex ruined relationships that could otherwise have been great, unless you have some actual reason for saying that, besides saying "they rushed sex and broke up later so the obvious conclusion is that it MUST be because of the sex". If you want to say something like that you actually need to back it by saying in what way did sex ruin those relationships. For all the people you apparently know that had ruined relationships solely because of early sex, I think probably the majority of people will know twice as many people who had sex within the first month of their relationship and stayed together for a long time or married. I know certainly all the weddings I have been to recently have been couples who were sleeping together in the first month, which is pretty normal in adult relationships.

Maddoctor 10

Three weeks is less than a month. One month in one month. Months on end is more than one month i.e. two months or more which is twice (almost three times) as long as three weeks, so it sounds to me like you are putting words in my mouth. I included that little tidbit because it seems like you were starting to think I waited a really long time before becoming sexually active, rendering my points useless and making me look like a "prude." As for your second paragraph, see my other comment above because I'd really like to limit this discussion to only one comment section.

I'm aware of how long a month is. I said almost a month. Do you have a very strict guide line on when people should be done waiting for sex that says a few more days and it would be OK? Because otherwise, as I said, it certainly sounds as if you're implying more than one month is the amount of time you should wait. That's hardly putting words in your mouth. What exactly did I say to make you sound prudish?? All I had said was to clarify that the words "prudish" and "hang up" were directed at people who thought everyone should wait for a relatively long period of time and not at people who personally want to wait, so why you would feel that was disproving your points, making you look prudish or an invitation to share why you personally want to wait or not is beyond me. Should I use caps to express the fact that I really do not care how long an individual chooses to wait in their relationship in any way whatsoever, and only when they think their personal views should apply to others? Because it seems I have said this in almost every comment and you still seem to miss it.

That just about tells you where his priorities are, huh?