Major red flag

By notpregnant - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Italy

Today, I woke up with a pillow under my t-shirt. Turns out my boyfriend wanted to "see if I would look hot even when pregnant". We've been dating for three weeks now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 980
You deserved it 5 371

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

If you've only been dating for 3 weeks then why are you already sleeping together?

and you're not ashamed of calling people like him "boyfriend"? and you sleep together after a 3 week relationship? god.


While I wouldn't sleep with someone after 3 weeks- assuming that they were- the thing that gets me is literally sleeping with them after only that long. For me, that takes more trust than three weeks can bring. I'm wary of falling asleep with people I don't know well enough, and trust. o.o

mindfreak117 4

crossescount, u need to read more carefully before opening your mouth. twinklestar was not criticising anybody who doesn't believe that, she was simply stating that it's wrong for people who don't believe in that sort of thing to assume that everyone should feel the same way.

Never opened my mouth. I typed it. And, yes, I realize that's what she's saying. But it's also criticizing for people who do have sex that soon to say everybody else has hang-ups about it. Some people just don't want to be hurt like that, if the relationship fails. If someone wants to have sex with their boyfriend/girlfriend, then they can. There aren't time limits set on when you should, it depends on the individuals. People tend to criticize people who jump into it too fast, but likewise, people are criticized for not having sex sooner. The way she says it makes it seem like if you don't have sex after a couple months, you've got a strange hang-up about it.

Yes, the amount of times I've emphasized I couldn't care less what people's personal views on waiting are IS kind of vague and I can see how you would miss that crosses. It's not prudish if you want to wait, but it is if you think everyone should and are going to voice this opinion rudely if they don't.

Why has this become a huge consuming argument? All you're saying is they can have sex if they want to. All everybody else is saying is that although they can, they probably shouldn't. That can be taken as judgmental, and it's true that they shouldn't judge circumstances they don't know anything about. However, I no longer see what this has to do with the FML. It's more about the guy being creepy and wanting to know what she'd look like pregnant than anything having to do with sex. I get it, sex is fun, but that really isn't the point. They can do it, people shouldn't judge, but people shouldn't be judged for not doing it. And I'm sorry, but I can't tell through the internet if you're being sarcastic or not. :)

Sorry, don't want to get attacked for forgetting this part. As far as I've seen, no one has rudely tried to force beliefs about sex on anybody. Yes, that's wrong, but I haven't seen it done on this FML. So why is this such a large, ongoing argument?

It's ongoing because people keep responding to my comments as though they say something they don't, and saying I'm criticizing people who choose to wait, when I'm only pointing out it's prudish to think your personal beliefs about sex should apply to everyone. And of the un-moderated comments, comments along the lines of "It's a little thing called morals and self respect. You don't go hopping into bed with everyone you happen to date for more then a week... Then again, society and it's lack of morals are a little more excepting of single parents and deadbeats now a days." "Don't date (and **** after already three weeks) freaks. YDI" both rudely imply others should have the same beliefs as them.

and where does it say they were having sex? yeah maybe he planned on it, but they could just be sleeping in the same bed, y'know. I've slept in the same bed with a guy without screwing him, why assume that's what everybody does when they're in a bed with the opposite gender? on the other hand, he's a creep. haha. tell him you don't want kids yet and if he doesn't back off, maybe you'd be better off with someone else. :)

I find it extremely hilarious that NO ONE has yet made the connection that her bf may have a preggo fetish...and that he may even try to get her pregnant on purpose..which makes this fml even more unfortunate...but still funny.

Seriously! I think that's what makes it an FML...everyone else seems to think that the boyfriend is just innocently introducing the OP to the consequences of sex and that there's nothing wrong or bizarre with what he did (or even worse, that he's now entitled to get her to bear his seed because she slept with him. In fact, he's not entitled to anything; as Tori Amos put it, "So you can make me cum / That doesn't make you Jesus"). On the bright side, these people are so oblivious to what constitutes creepy behavior that maybe they'll get murdered by some psychotic acquaintance and we'll soon be rid of them forever! ("You want me to climb into the back of your van? Sure!! I know we just met, but it's the least I can do since you let me look at your collection of feral kitten skulls!")

Omg twinklestar and everyone else.. SHUT UP I'm sure everyone reading this truly valvues your opinion but.. Who cares??? Who knows if they have 'slept' together yet and who cares if they have?it's their lives not yours and if u think it's ok to have sex with someone only after a little bit then great for u and if not then great for u too! This website is where peps share their stories not where peps debate stupid topics where the whole world will Never agree on. So save ur breath and shut it!

Omg twinklestar and everyone else.. SHUT UP I'm sure everyone reading this truly valvues your opinion but.. Who cares??? Who knows if they have 'slept' together yet and who cares if they have?it's their lives not yours and if u think it's ok to have sex with someone only after a little bit then great for u and if not then great for u too! This website is where peps share their stories not where peps debate stupid topics where the whole world will Never agree on. So save ur breath and shut it!

The comments section is for that exactly. We'll never agree so save your own breath and shut it.

that's cute of him. thinking about the future, how cool of him...

adele77 2

oh yeah go chocolatechic...!!!!