Major red flag

By notpregnant - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Italy

Today, I woke up with a pillow under my t-shirt. Turns out my boyfriend wanted to "see if I would look hot even when pregnant". We've been dating for three weeks now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 980
You deserved it 5 371

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

If you've only been dating for 3 weeks then why are you already sleeping together?

and you're not ashamed of calling people like him "boyfriend"? and you sleep together after a 3 week relationship? god.


dorworters 9

wow, that's just pathetic. glad you can see past your huge ego to make any sense whatsoever. btw don't tell someone they're "ranting" if their comment is shorter than yours, idiot

I hadn't said anything to you when you launched into your illogical 8 lined rant about me criticizing others(which as I pointed out, I wasn't) because I apparently don't have a bf actually so yeah, I think it's pretty reasonable to call it a rant. And what on earth is "glad you can see past your huge ego to make any sense whatsoever" supposed to mean? Did you mean "to NOT make any sense whatsoever" or are you just stupid and not sure what you're trying to say anymore?

at least he didnt want to see what u looked like if u got fat. 

dorworters 9

a~ur rant is longer b~yes, you ARE criticizing others c~its called sarcasm, ever heard of it? d~I find it difficult to believe that this "boyfriend" of yours isn't imaginary, seeing that ur illogical, crazy, and to b optimistic, ass-*******-ugly

a - My reply that didn't involve baseless insults was actually the same length as yours, and wasn't a rant seeing as I was replying to you. Perhaps your ability to do basic math fails you as much as your ability to comprehend what you're reading but my 8 line reply isn't actually longer than your 8 line long rant. b - I'm not, and if you really want to keep having a cry over me criticizing others on the internet while throwing around childish insults yourself, perhaps you'd like to clarify what exactly it is I was criticizing about anyone. c - yes, however unfortunately for you sarcasm still requires an intelligible sentence structure to work d - i'm not really too concerned if you believe me or not, as unlike you I'm not hugely concerned about what people on the internet write in comments sections(this is mostly due to the fact I have a life) but as I said when mentioning this, if I didn't have a bf it makes your suggestion that the only reason I'm defending the OPs right to have sex 3 weeks into a relationship as a consenting adult because I'm bitter that I don't have a bf all the more ridiculous. e - it's called a reply button

b00kn3rd 14

O.O Dude, you've posted a ton more comments on here than anyone else and you say you have a life...? (Outside of this site?)

You guys are takin this shit too serious... if you both have this much free time to argue over the ******* INTERNET then you both are retarded and need to find a new hobby, like sex.

lifeislife_fml 0

I just realized that if you copied and pasted all of Twinklestar's comments on this ONE FML into a word document, it would probably turn out to be a 5 page essay. Stop looking for a lame internet argument and go do something more productive.

Maybe the kind of double spaced 5 page essay, with room for spelling corrections that you're used to handing in at middle school. Stop looking for a lame internet argument about people commenting in the comments section and go do something more productive. Like your homework maybe.

shut up everybody. you're talking too ******* loud!!!!!

what the **** is wrong with you lot. hes having a joke

dorworters 9

lol, renots..........u say you hav a life but ur sittin here waitin for someone to respond to you on, when you DO reply, the comments make no sense...........I'm just glad that there aren't more of you in this world cuz ur a terrible person, honestly. do us all a favor and die, bitch

You hope I die because I think the OP is welcome to her own ideas about when she should have consenting sex in a relationship? Do you realise how insane that is?

krazykitty789 0

wow make sure he didn't rape u while u were asleep!! :|

dollface04 0

...ohk thts just plain weird...who does tht