Make your mind up
By fuck you, boss - 21/12/2013 00:30 - United States
By fuck you, boss - 21/12/2013 00:30 - United States
By choke on a dick, sir - 01/11/2013 22:47 - United States - Portland
By Anonymous - 16/02/2014 17:22 - United Kingdom - Cambridge
By Anonymous - 06/12/2016 20:14
By tooefficient - 19/08/2019 22:00
By Anonymous - 08/07/2016 22:09
By Anonymous - 17/02/2016 21:36 - New Zealand - Auckland
By mrjude - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff
By Tired - 17/08/2016 17:51
By Underpaid - 08/05/2022 12:00 - Canada
By cantgetabreak - 13/12/2016 18:50
There is no win to this
Pick a side and stay there, dude.
Seems whenever I'm in a store someone always comes up and says "May I help you" and is really pushy and stuff when I'm just looking around, and when I actually do need help they vanish without a trace.
Kinda like cops... 100's around when all is ok and not 1 to be seen anywhere when you actually need them.
Uummmm either he hates u or he hasnt been laid in a while or both
If it helps, your bonus was only going to be a coffee mug anyways.
Your boss is an idiot.
Rule #1) The customer is always right. Rule #2) The boss is always wrong.
You know what they say... The higher the position, the lower the IQ