Big dong
By Anonymous - 03/12/2015 14:02

By Anonymous - 03/12/2015 14:02
By rarara - 30/10/2012 21:26 - United Kingdom - Manchester
By yayme. - 11/07/2013 22:26 - United States - Bismarck
By nick - 06/03/2011 01:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/08/2023 04:00
By Anonymous - 09/02/2022 00:01
By Anonymous - 18/09/2022 23:00
By jesus christ, dad - 06/09/2013 16:48 - United Kingdom - Manchester
By Franklin - 01/02/2018 05:00 - United States - Fairbanks
By HeIsKindaRightTho - 16/09/2014 04:31 - United States - Houghton
By Anonymous - 27/12/2009 12:49 - Canada
" It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean that matters."
"It's not the size of the boat, but how hard you paddle."
It's hard to cross an ocean in a rowboat though.
Ya well I rather cruise the ocean in a yacht not a dingy.
why are you in an ocean though? I'm pretty sure you can't shove a yacht through a stream.
Lmao that's ******* great!
Yeah, and you really don't even need it at all. Using your hands and mouth won't tire you out and you can make a girl ****** over and over and over rather then cum and fall asleep after 30 minutes or less
^ *tries to make fml community believe that he lasts at least 30 minutes every time*
Ok spongebob
I can attest to that, I'm like 6" and I was told I have a great dick
We dont give a shit about your docl or whatever @99
It may be a needle, but it goes like a sewing machine
This is true, you could have the most perfectly sized dick in the world but you'll only last 2 minutes and not want to do anything else for a while. Satisfying both people > just one being satisfied.
The size doesn't matter. It's how you use it
#3 I hate when people say that, without actually knowing OP's size, that's not true. That saying would only be true if he is around averaged sized. But if OP is well below average than he has a fat chance of being able to actually satisfy his significant other. **** your life OP. In the words of Channing Tatum, “**** Science!”
35- Uh, just straight up PIV intercourse isn't the only way a man can satisfy a woman. In fact, most women can't ****** from intercourse alone. Oral, using your hands, using sex toys, etc. can not only be satisfying, but much more satisfying than intercourse. My boyfriend is on the small size, but our sex life is fantastic. I have never been anything but completely satisfied with him.
You, sir, are a genius
Size doesn't matter until you have size and then girls open up to you about it actually mattering? but that's just like a fair amount of girls...just like with every person, preferences are different. I've never had sex, as you can easily tell. Boom. Good day sirs and sirets.
too true. my size not average and everytime i read size doesnt matter i immediately think it will when she leaves you for a horse guy lol. sry but us small guys with or without. technique just not that lucky when it comes to pleasing a woman. I worry ill get cheated on if i get a girl cause i already know it'll happen. i dont have enough experience to have techniques lol.
#132 atleast the gspot and most of the girls nerve endings are close to the opening I believe the gspot goes to about 3in, so unless you have a micro penis you're probably okay. girth matters more than length. and as stated above a lot of girls can't ****** from vaginal sex alone without clitoral stimulation of some kind
If your hitting the g spot with your dick then size isn't what you need to be worried about, because it means your dick is shaped something close to a horseshoe
Size only matters to sizable people.
There are show-ers and growers. Show-ers only gain another inch, growers gain 3 or more and thats the real magic trick lol
for real though
Why did you look at it!?! Anyway, I'm sure if your willy doesn't do the trick there are always other ways to make your partner "happy."
If someones naked it seems like thats just a focus point, not intentionally, it just happens like that.
Yeah maybe for SOME people.
I'm pretty sure big penises hurt more than it's worth, for ladies. But, I am male, so what do I know. They all look painful...
I agree, I think men are always under the impression that women want a insanely endowed man. Well 1. That can definitely be painful depending on the position 2. Women don't (well most women) want to have sex for hours, newsflash it freaking hurts after a couple hours. Lol
41 you're about to get a bunch of pubertal boys messaging you now.
All you guys talking about ladies and I'm sitting here, being a gay bottom.
At least you didn't walk on him doing other things
It's all in the technique. ;)
Be confident in yourself and how you are