Me me me

By perfectmoment - 30/11/2009 00:47 - Canada

Today, I called my boyfriend to have a shoulder to cry on because my grandpa died. As soon as I told him, he started crying and telling me how much he missed his grandmother, who died six years ago. I spent the majority of the phone call listening to him wail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 579
You deserved it 6 001

Same thing different taste

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caticaticati 3

You add the 'who died six years ago' as if that changes how much it sucks to lose someone. Sometimes my friends' facebook statuses say something about their grandmas/grandpas/other close family dying, and I get really upset thinking about my grandma that died in a car accident 2 years ago. And anytime anyone tries to talk about a car accident they were in, I get upset as well. Some people are sensitive and it's possible that your boyfriend was really close to his grandma, or that he bottled up his emotions after her death and has a hard time dealing with them now. It sucks that you didn't exactly get the comfort you wanted, but at least you have someone who can relate to you and help you. When my boyfriend and I met, we got to talking about the car accident I was in (the one my grandma died in) within the first week of dating - it was only 7 months after it happened and I started getting kind of upset talking about it. My not-yet-boyfriend then told me that he had lost his grandpa earlier in that year - it helped me to know know that I now knew someone who had been through what I had been through in some sense. Try to be understanding and arrange a day for your boyfriend and yourself to get together and talk about memories and such - I'm sure it will be helpful for both of you. I'm very sorry for your loss. I suggest finding a grief group - they're really helpful sometimes.

so? I know somebody who's grandma died when they were 4 (they're 22 now) and they are still sad sometimes. So its ok for you to cry but not for him? And let me guess: you weren't sad anymore?


3pyro3 0

you're kinda a bitch, OP. Maybe him and his grandma were really close did you ever think of that? So what if it was six years ago? my grandma dies 18 years ago and i still get choked up about it sometimes. for all you know he was remebering how it felt to be in the place that you now are and he kinda broke down. so stop being a bitch and start to be nicer to your boyfriend before he leaves you for somebody more compassionate

Bitches would say things like "I just thought that it was kind of inappropriate that I had to spent my grieving time helping him out." Selfish bitches, to be exact.

Exactly. That "it's all about me" attitude (and obliviousness for that matter) is what makes you a bitch.

Sorry but, what's this about "my grieving time?" I'm sorry to sound very harsh here, but just because you're grandpa dies doesn't give you and the rest of your family the right to be the only ones in the world who are grieving. I really don't know much about your bf or if he usually does this, but if he was extremely close to his grandma, the slightest hint of her dying probably would set him off. I know of a lot of people who are/will be like that, since their grandparents were practically their parents. I'm just saying, just because he starts crying too doesn't mean you can't just cry together and help each other out. From my experience it tends to bring people closer together. I mean, it's not like there's a special reserved spot for grieving time.

I'm just wondering why you posted this on FML. I can understand where you're coming from to a point, though I feel you could have worked through both of your emotions together. It really seems like a situation you should talk to your boyfriend about instead of posting it to an entertainment site.

I hate that, so much. Tell him to stfu, it's your time to cry, he had his chance 6 years ago.

I don't think your a bitch. but it was very selfish of you to put this on FML. I mean, this isn't a FML. this is more of "I was expecting a different response" your boyfriend obviously was VERY upset to cry in front of you and you shouldn't shut him down like that. sorry I'm writing a long comment. I know a lot of people stopped reading after the first sentence. I don't want to write a freaking novel. haha. peaaccee outt. PS even though your being rude., sorry about your lose.

joy1523 0

actually, it IS incredibly selfish if someone calls you in a time of suffering and need, for you to turn the situation around to a problem of your own and begin talking about yourself. and yeah, someones grandfather dying that day as opposed to someones grandmother dying 6 years ago doesn't mean that you're any sadder or miss them less, but it kind of does give you a little more reason to want to process your (new) feelings over the matter.

joy1523 0

relax. people on FML love hating on posters. you know half of them would feel the exact same way in your situation.

Why do people get so bent out of shape when grandparents die? I mean, I know it sucks, but even when you were a kid they were still old, so you could totally see it coming. I've lost two grandparents, and while I was sad to see them go, I didn't shed a single tear. OP and her boyfriend are ******* *******.