Mean boys

By 50love - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. After he did, he walked over to his friends. I saw him tell them that he broke up with me. After he'd finished, all of them cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 492
You deserved it 8 290

Top comments


Ok, let me try again: Finding joy in the misery of others, or at their expense? You dodged a bullet.

Must've been doing something wrong if that was such a joyous moment for them.

We had a party when I broke up with my ex, they probably did the same.

iloveweed69 7

you must of been a bad girlfriend

you were probably taking up a lot of his time so his friends were happy they could now spend time with him.

They probably just wanted thier friend back from the grasps of a devil women. No biggie.

AngryBlckMan13 2

You deserved that shit if even his friends think your a bitch