Messing around

By unknown - 08/03/2014 00:53 - United States - San Antonio

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to mess around at my workplace's parking lot. Things got hot and steamy, but in the middle of it all, there came a bang at my car window. My frantic boss had seen us and thought I was being attacked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 052
You deserved it 28 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say, if you're doing that sort of thing in public, you're an asshole. Next time, wait until you get home like everyone else.

If he'd joined in, that would've been an excellent **** plot


really!? I am I the only one who says: good job! there are a lot more places to have fun with each other then in the house.... I even like the train ;)

Heh. Yeah, sure. "Good job" at getting caught! Now for the worry and wait for a follow up as to whether she got fired. Here's hoping sacrificing a steady paycheck all for a cockblock was worth it!

@21 I don't think she'll get fired he'd probably laugh and tell her next time go somewhere else.

#22 I've known someone to get fired for something similar. The store didn't want to deal with the chance customers saw and thought their employees were unprofessional. Total ydi. At least pick a place to get frisky that's not your work place's parking lot!

buttcramp 21

on a train, in a parking lot, etc.. that's so gross! I wouldn't show myself so exposed so publicly. I can understand needing to mix things up but isn't part of the fun having to wait until you get home to rip the other person's clothes off? I love sitting across from my husband at dinner.. we always skip dessert, if ya know what I mean!

You are very lucky OP to get a kind-hearted boss that genuinely cares for his/her employees (;

YDI for one doing it in a public place, two at your work place. If you got fired, I'd have no sympathy for you.

If only there was a button to express that you thought the OP deserved this..... Hmmm.....

well well.. someone's not getting a promotion anytime soon.

That has absolutely nothing to do with this. The boss was worried that's all , and her personal life *though in public space* shouldn't have bearing on her professional work as an employee. That's my own opinion on the matter.

Axel5238 29

Personal life when it can impact the employer negatively is why people that work for a school have gotten in trouble over stuff they posted on twitter. It's not covered by the first amendment, and you can get fired for stuff you put on Facebook. Stuff like drunken pics, stoned pics all potentially imply you are a liability potentially and not responsible enough for the company. If your social media can make you/your job look bad and affect the company you can get fired and you are not protected in any fashion really.

buttcramp 21

38, OP mixed the personal life with the professional one by doing this in the first place.

Doing it in fun places can enhance your sex life. Doing it on your company property? Unprofessional! If you were my employee, you'd be fired.

You're lucky the boss didn't call the cops first. And maybe you should have been watching for people. Not to mention when out in public having sex, COMMON SENSE says you shouldn't scream!

did he say u that or u r pretending like he thought u were being attacked...ydi for this

What if your boss just wanted to watch