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Mind your own business, lady

By walkingonsunshine - 22/01/2010 00:14 - France

Today, my long-term boyfriend took me to my favorite restaurant. After the main course, he knelt down and finally proposed to me. I was so happy, I almost cried. Until an old woman came over and said I was way too old for him. I'm three years younger than my fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 960
You deserved it 2 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

Wow, what a spiteful, rude bitch to go stick her nose in to your moment and be so rude. you should have said "your way to old to still be alive" Congratulations on your engagement!

Don't feel bad, people say stupid stuff sometimes, nothing personal, they just don't think.... One woman asked me if my brother and his gf are my parents... They're 5 years older than me!


Don't feel bad, people say stupid stuff sometimes, nothing personal, they just don't think.... One woman asked me if my brother and his gf are my parents... They're 5 years older than me!

that's sweet of him. I wouldn't let such an ignorant comment ruin a night like that.

Hanban 0

Today, I was feeling bitchy so I decided to go to a restaurant. After eating, I watched as a guy proposed to his girlfriend. I told her that she's too old to be with him. I saw blood after that. FML

1# is right you can't listen to old ppl. Besides, she probably had her bezzer in booze thinking she dark clouds boyfriend... Hags tend to do stuff like that.

Don't let her ruin it for you. Hopefully by now you're happily married, anyway.

My sister is 23 years older than me and my brother is 20 years older than me. I was failed birth control.

helllojessie 14

some random lady at target asked my sister if she was my mom. i’m older than her by 5 years.. 🤣

IndigoKitty 3

Wow, what a spiteful, rude bitch to go stick her nose in to your moment and be so rude. you should have said "your way to old to still be alive" Congratulations on your engagement!

dudeitsdanny 9

Do you guys wanna play Old Maid?

I would have told her to go end her miserable life, I hate old people who think they have the right to be rude bastards because they are seniors.

Ah dont care about that sassy senior has to say. She's just jealous about seeing a younger woman getting engaged because her wrinkled ass probably hasnt gotten any action since ass got wrinkled lol.

22cute 17

May you live long enough to wrinkle and regret, #4

Flutist 3

A) What a stupid old bint. Who the hell cares what she thinks? I don't. I know it was rude and a terrible thing to say, but she seems like a bitter woman. Do people not have any respect anymore? B) Do you look older than your boyfriend? Then perhaps a new beauty regimine or stop smoking? Idk. But I think if it bothered you more than her just ruining your moment, I would think about doing something about it. C) You are beautiful and deserve happiness. Good luck with your marriage.

Flutist 3

E) is the fifth. It also stands for don't make fun of the letters. They are sacred and important for making points.

dudeitsdanny 9

F.) is for friends who do stuff together....

LOL, You've been watching too much Spongebob.

dudeitsdanny 9

I hate that cartoon, but my friend sings this a lot and it fit =P

spiderman0606 0

LOL I love F) but going back, I think it's stupid how Flutist is telling OP how she's beautiful, even though the only thing you know about her is basically 3 lines. You shouldnt try to reassure someone and say nice things, just because it's customary to end good shiat with fluffy lies you can't backup with any proof. It just makes you look dumb. And if you're going to go on and say "Everyone is beautiful. blah. blah." bullshiat, then you might as well say the old hag that ruined the moment is beautiful, too. But you won't. Because you even said "What a stupid old bint."

That may be be fair, equally stupid to all those assholes with inferior complexes here...but at least it is something you could call "being nice".

crzyry 6

*Yawns and looks for the biggest asshole in the room...locks on Spiderman* @ spiderman: Do you know the Op or Flutist? How do you know they don't know each other? Are you always so bitchy?

G is the sixth letter, and it stands for GO GO POWER RANGERS!!!! Not but seriously that old hag shouldn't let you down, and even if you look older, which you probably don't cuz she's so bitter, no worries because you shouldn't let a comment like that get you down. Unfortunately, you will probably remember that comment for the rest of your life because it occurred at one of the best moments of your life...In a couple of years it'll be a funny story to tell the kids, friends, and family. Congratulations!

dudeitsdanny 9

I bet this is the Spiderman that Robert Pattinson will play. >=O The way I figure... She's pretty enough inside andbout to have a fiancee.

Flutist 3

First off, she has a boyfriend, so to someone she is beautiful. Second, she didn't get up and punch the old woman. That is classier than complaining how "not everyone is beautiful." I wasn't just refering to her physical beauty, but the fact that she didn't show the same bitter behavior as the old woman. Where do you get the right to tell me I can't call people beautiful? I don't have to explain myself to you. But you asked so I thought I would reply. And perhaps the old woman was beautiful once. If the old woman had been kind then she would have been beautiful too. beau⋅ti⋅ful    –adjective 1. having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.

spiderman0606 0

Wow, all you guys are so funny. I enjoyed your responses.

pedro_mclovin 0

H) Shut up flutist, ur probly like 10 years old and ur pretty ugly by ur pic. No one wants to listen to ur paragraph long comments. I) Dont draw conclusions J) Stop trying to act like an adult K) My 2nd cousin was recently killed by a flock of flying duck ninjas. L) UR THE ASSHOLE

crzyry 6

Maybe she was a Cougar trying to steal your dude! I hope you pushed her down a flight of stairs just in case.haha

Hanban 0

I would have told the old bird to piss off and to go ruin someone else's moment. Lady's probably jealous cause she's too old to get some anymore. I hate people putting their nose in other people's business!

What a bitch. But don't let this spoil your memory of the moment. Later, you'll be able to have a laugh about it.

She's old that's her job to make other peoples life miserable.

JustGines 0

There's those innocent old people, and then there's those dicky bitch ones. And what pissed me off about this story is how she ruined the moment. You should've scared her and given her a heart attack. Hahahah

CyclonePsycho 1

I disagree. Had the OP made a loud noise, the old women probably would have kicked her from shock. It's just what horses do.

Omg f**k that old hag, i wudnt want to have her in my memory of that special day.