Mind your own business, lady

By walkingonsunshine - 22/01/2010 00:14 - France

Today, my long-term boyfriend took me to my favorite restaurant. After the main course, he knelt down and finally proposed to me. I was so happy, I almost cried. Until an old woman came over and said I was way too old for him. I'm three years younger than my fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 950
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

Wow, what a spiteful, rude bitch to go stick her nose in to your moment and be so rude. you should have said "your way to old to still be alive" Congratulations on your engagement!

Don't feel bad, people say stupid stuff sometimes, nothing personal, they just don't think.... One woman asked me if my brother and his gf are my parents... They're 5 years older than me!


did you say yes? ignore that comment from the old lady. my parents are for years apart. as you get older it doesn't matter as much, congratulations. :)

so what? stop complaining, you're getting married. you should be happy. who cares what some random person thinks of you?

Why should you care what some old b.... said ? I hope you did not let her ruin such a magic moment.

I agree, why would you care what she said? Unless your boyfriend agreed with her and cancelled his proposal, I'd just give her the finger and snog your fiancé.

You shouldn't talk about giving old ladies "the finger". There's a loooot of perverts out there

What's with the old ladies these days? Are they jealous that they can't get some? :P

Sparkiee93 3

Pffft, what a bitch. But congratulations on your engagement!

That woman's behavior was inexcusable. I hope someone told her exactly how much so. Please don't listen to her for an instant. Enjoy this happy time. FWIW, the best part of getting married for me was when he gave me the ring with the honeymoon being a close second. Blessings to you both.

Congratulations on the proposal! But I'd tell that old **** to go die in a hole.

horseluvr91 0

I would have told her that at least I wasn't an old ugly hag like her and that I had someone who loved me

Oh sorry about that ruined moment. That was a troll. They're every where.