Mind your own business, lady

By walkingonsunshine - 22/01/2010 00:14 - France

Today, my long-term boyfriend took me to my favorite restaurant. After the main course, he knelt down and finally proposed to me. I was so happy, I almost cried. Until an old woman came over and said I was way too old for him. I'm three years younger than my fiancé. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 950
You deserved it 2 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

Wow, what a spiteful, rude bitch to go stick her nose in to your moment and be so rude. you should have said "your way to old to still be alive" Congratulations on your engagement!

Don't feel bad, people say stupid stuff sometimes, nothing personal, they just don't think.... One woman asked me if my brother and his gf are my parents... They're 5 years older than me!


flashback.miss 28

you shouldve said "who the f u and why are you butting in on my buisness, you stupid old hag!

Don't worry, maybe your fiance happens to look like a teenager.

Congrats on being engaged OP. You're life isn't effed because of some old bitch that probably can't even see well.

ruzicat 0
vde_fml 15

You just had to ignore her. Be happy with your soon to be huband :_) vde

Wow, I hope you didn't actually let that ruin your mood.

that is one mean old lady I'd take her hearing aid

Say, "I should really be offended, I mean you don't look a year over thousand.."

She probably needs 1, new glasses, 2, better manners. Some old hags seem to think they have the right to lecture strangers on just about anything. If you let one loony spoil your engagement for you, YDI for being too sensitive in a very rude world.

xmagster 0

That doesn't make any sense. How did she deserve to have some old hag rudely interrupt her and her fiance's moment to tell her that she was too old from him, the old lady needs better manners and the person's too sensitive? yeah, the OP shouldn't be too sensitive about it because there are so many rude people in the world, but tat doesn't mean they deserved it...