Someone needs a hug

By lukey101 - 13/08/2020 05:01

Today, I was out to lunch when someone in the distance proposed to his partner. She said yes, everyone clapped and cheered. I, on the other hand, burst into tears and couldn't stop bawling for about half an hour. I'm a 32 year-old man and didn't even know the happy couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 367
You deserved it 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

was it tears of joy or tears of sadness?

It was a wholesome moment that everyone enjoyed, that is awesome


Boyufd 24

was it tears of joy or tears of sadness?

:( I know the feeling I just wanna be happy

Nhayaa 21

If OP says he doesn't know the couple it means he's not sad or unhappy but actually happy for them and very empathetic. (I'll never understand why "empathetic" is spelled "empathetic". It's a mix of "empathy" and "pathetic" like it's pathetic to have empathy. You english speakers are way to complicated.) @jpants, yep, I know, we have the same in french. But if you have "empatie", you are "empatique", not "empathetique". Why add a useless syllable?

jpants 14

It makes a little more sense when you check out the derivation :) em- (Greek for “in”) + pathos (Greek for “feeling”)

It was a wholesome moment that everyone enjoyed, that is awesome

tounces7 27

30 minutes might be a bit excessive.

OP look up PBA Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a condition that's characterized by episodes of sudden uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing or crying. Pseudobulbar affect typically occurs in people with certain neurological conditions or injuries, which might affect the way the brain controls emotion. I developed it after being on Antidepressants for years and then getting off them. I don’t know if the Antidepressants had anything to do with it in my case or if they were masking the effects of PBA. Depression and PBA are different but have a few common traits.

Yummi_913 18

Well shit, that may be why I have random HEAVY urges to cry. I'll feel deep sadness out of nowhere from stuff like a stupid shoe commercial. I'm also off antidepressants and PTSD meds for a few years now. This whole thing is rather weird to me because I'm the type of person that usually doesn't cry even when literal TERRIBLE things happen.

Go to a neurologist. They are equipped to diagnose the condition. It is treatable.

jfigley 5

Bruh.....seriously? I can understand a touching moment but thats excessive. Being alone is not that bad of tha thing either....