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By AzNFoo - 26/03/2009 05:20 - United States

Today, my friends and me had a little water balloon fight and somehow it led to throwing water balloons at cars. We all decided to hit a car all at once, after one came by we all hit it. The car stopped and started flashing bright blue lights. We ended up hitting an off-duty police car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 569
You deserved it 121 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musu_fml 0

Why on earth would you throw projectiles at other people's moving vehicles? That's a dangerous and dickish thing to do. You utter, utter idiots. I hope you get a conviction that you have to explain to any future employers. #2 I don't know about whichever country this happened in, but if it were in mine I'm sure some kind of assault law, or vandalism, or SOMETHING that covers causing a danger on the roads, would cover it, if there isn't a direct "throwing projectiles at traffic" law.

You deserve that - you could cause someone to crash their car, think about what you're doing...


your life is f**ked.... by yourselves :D

yeah. that's y I use snowballs. cuz police at mammoth mountain do it too!!!

musu_fml 0

Why on earth would you throw projectiles at other people's moving vehicles? That's a dangerous and dickish thing to do. You utter, utter idiots. I hope you get a conviction that you have to explain to any future employers. #2 I don't know about whichever country this happened in, but if it were in mine I'm sure some kind of assault law, or vandalism, or SOMETHING that covers causing a danger on the roads, would cover it, if there isn't a direct "throwing projectiles at traffic" law.

one more reason to prove his idoicy: My friends and I (emphasising I not Me)

Ha! I was going to make the same comment. Oh the joys of being an English major in college :D

since there was no precedence, they police officer would give you a warning, not a conviction.

they would both be grammatically correct... the personal pronoun is still showing up after referring to another person.

No, they both wouldn't be grammatically correct. The rule is to try the sentence without the "My friends" part, and you'd change the following verb, in this case "were", to "was" so it makes sense. "Me was having a water balloon fight." doesn't make sense, but "I was having a water balloon fight." does. Sorry to babble, but people make this mistake so many times and it annoys the crap out of me. :/

Who uses the word "utter" anymore unless you're talking about cows?

You deserve that - you could cause someone to crash their car, think about what you're doing...

whaha!! One time I had to run like hell for the same reason. The only difference is that I didn't get caught. But you deserved this one!!

I had to click both, but only because of sheer stupidity for throwing water balloons at cars.... Just be thankful it wasn't some large man with a lead pipe.

Lol. You deserve that, though I can see where your coming from as I did this as a kid from my treehouse that overlooked a street. Looking back it was a stupid irresponsible thing to do, but when your a kid you don't think about consequences. Should have said it was part of your community outreach program by washing peoples cars as they go by, with water balloons. :-P

You're all dumbasses. What are you guys, 12? Who still has water balloon fights?

at least yours were waterballoons. my teacher used to throw crabapples that fell off their crab apple tree xD story was they hit a gang car instead of a police car. xD

loopy_fml 0

what a bunch of idiots. Throwing things at moving cars is never a good idea. YDI for sure. Dumbasses.