Mixed reviews

By nirvana_mama157 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband asked me, "Why do you love me?" I spent the next five minutes spilling my heart and soul out to him. After I'd asked the same question, he looked me straight in the eye and said, "I don't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 814
You deserved it 4 354

Top comments

alexm501 0

Was he joking? If not then he's an ass and you should leave.


Wat a ******* crap face sperm dumpster man ***** **** sucker asshole dickwad mofo

I am sooooo sorry! For your sake, I hope he didn't mean it. and if he did, he soooo doe't deserve you. I hope you can work things out!

squirrel1215 5

Maybe he meant he doesn't love himself...either way it's depressing. =(

He's a bitch! You should definitely get a divorce if you didn't!

JukeboxValkyrie 19

Perhaps instead of jumping to conclusions, maybe OP was treating the man poorly? If not then OP should dig a little deeper and see if the problems are fixable. He may not "love" her because of stress and be mixing up his emotions with what's bothering him, if anything.

aque1214 1

He just didn't wanna spend 5 minutes of his life to say what u said.. So he just say that he don't so he can move on. But he didn't mean that

.. i would assume that that would be obvious.. i mean to 'make love' u gotta both BE in love with each other rightt? i mean, just my opinion here but yah.... O-O