Mixed reviews

By nirvana_mama157 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband asked me, "Why do you love me?" I spent the next five minutes spilling my heart and soul out to him. After I'd asked the same question, he looked me straight in the eye and said, "I don't." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 814
You deserved it 4 354

Top comments

alexm501 0

Was he joking? If not then he's an ass and you should leave.


As much as I hate it when people start telling others to get a divorce at the first sign of trouble, this might be something you should discuss with your husband first before deciding if separation is the best idea or not. No love=not a healthy relationship=unhappiness

grapes1414 0

It's probably different if he said it sarcastically, but id say it was the wrong time for him to be funny! If he was serious then he probably isn't the one lol sorry op

If he was not joking then wow im just sorry you need a hug.

mbrooks5110 0

My dear, I know there's nothing I could say to you that could make this better. I've been told that same thing before, not by my husband (I'm not married), but by a serious, long-term significant other. It hurt more than I even know how to describe, and I can't even imagine how much worse that must feel after having exchanged vows with that person. I wish I could just give you a hug. I imagine you're probably older than me (I'm 21), but I know that after a while, it feels like you've talked your friends to death, so if you ever want to talk to a complete stranger... feel free to message me. Honestly. Praying for you, hun.

Either he has a wicked sense of humor, or ice water running through his veins.

boardforlife 0

Hahaha sucks for u but hey it's ur fault for marrying him and if he was joking and ur taking it serious ur a dumb ****

boardforlife 0

Hahaha sucks for u but hey it's ur fault for marrying him and if he was joking and ur taking it serious ur a dumb ****

Rainbowface 2

Wow guys chill sounds like he's just bein a smartass.my bf does that all the time and then I punch his arm and he laughs and says he was just kidding and kisses me.that so does not call for a divorce.and I do know what i'm talkin about i've been divorced