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Mixed signals

By Anonymous - 30/06/2020 17:02

Today, my girlfriend always assures me she doesn’t care if I’m a little overweight, yet in the past few weeks she’s bought me running shorts, new trainers, a set of professional barbells and weights, a "how to lose weight in your living room" book and installed a treadmill in the garage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 328
You deserved it 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wysegirl 24

That's a nice girlfriend. I wish I could do that for my husband to help encourage him. It's probably not about the weight but wanting you to become more healthy to keep you around longer.


wysegirl 24

That's a nice girlfriend. I wish I could do that for my husband to help encourage him. It's probably not about the weight but wanting you to become more healthy to keep you around longer.

I think you have different definitions of "a little overweight." Seems like she'll be ok with a few pounds, but you've abused the privilege, Lard-ass!

J15237 25

There is nothing wrong with wanting to get yourself healthy. Besides at least she isn't cheating on you or planning to leave you. Do some exercise and she will be happy

slowhandjp 16

I don’t know why this is an FML. You have a nice girl friend.

power_in_the_now 19

If you keep asking her for reassurance then she is just trying to allow you to get healthy and comfortable. Also, I wonder this... if she stays healthy and fit for you- why wouldn’t you want to do the same for her? I personally believe that yes desire for one another should go beyond our our body and looks BUT just plainly letting yourself go for no reason but the chase is over.. is absurd to me. I have three children and each time always put my health first. I am at a healthy weight and make an effort to look nice for my husband... and honestly not so much for him but for my self confidence. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and be healthy enough to stick around to meet my grand children and who knows, great grand children. I am not someone who puts a full face of makeup on and even buys new clothes... I always buy second hand clothes, shoes, ect. I just want him to know that I am still that silly gym girl that he met no matter how old we are or how long we are together. I told him I would want him to push me to hit the gym or get back at it if I start to get to where I am depressed and feeling down about myself— that I would do the same for him... and I have told him in the past that it’s prolly time to cut back on the nightly ice cream and get up and around. We are a team unit that is always pushing the other to strive to be the best version of ourselves. You should thank her,start with about 15-20 mins about three days and week then increase as you start to feel better and more motivated. Then... you better treat her to a night of just focusing on pleasing her in the bedroom bc she is getting you out of this rut your in

crazy_joe 15

If she did all that, I don't think you are "a little" overweight. And you need to get the hint what she means when she says she's okay with a little overweight.

ojoRojo 27

Wow these comments...if the gender roles were reversed, would you really be saying the same things? OP, if YOU want to work out and lose a few pounds, go for it. But don’t do it for it for you.

power_in_the_now 19

I would, no matter what the gender is. Maybe this is her last attempt to get him to care about his health and confidence before leaving to be without someone who cares enough about her to want to look nice for her. I mean if it’s already like this and he isn’t even married to her yet... a girl or guy has to wonder if it will turn into no sexual chemistry and an early grave leaving her alone with children or debt,ect...

bloopaloop 27

Sounds like you’re not “a little” overweight

Actions speak louder than words. Still, I wouldn't know whether to be offended or grateful for all the stuff.