
By Jules - 29/10/2020 02:03 - Germany - Aachen

Today, my health insurance has finally gone digital, so I sent them a message through their webpage, asking a question. I then got an email, telling me they'd replied. I had to log into their webpage again to see the reply, which read, "A letter concerning your question has been sent to you by post." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 187
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

We have digital healthcare here already. Obamacare TRUE Trumpcare FALSE

That would also be false, same goes for Trumpempathy, Trumphumanity and Trumpdecency.


We have digital healthcare here already. Obamacare TRUE Trumpcare FALSE


That would also be false, same goes for Trumpempathy, Trumphumanity and Trumpdecency.

Okay time to send them so many questions and issues that they waste thousands on post and mail because that's not how digital shit works lol