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By Lonely - 02/08/2018 15:00

Today, I sent a question to a newspaper self-help column about how I often feel ignored. I quickly received a note telling me to not feel ignored, but due to the volume of questions, I would likely not receive a response. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 987
You deserved it 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hey. Your FML got published and people are reading it, so you are not being ignored.

If you need acknowledgement that badly, I know one sure fire way to get people's attention. Whip it out in public. Trust me, it works every time, even if your dangus is as tiny as mine.


Ouch nothing like confirming it, trust me I know how you feel,I found some new hobbies,and in the process made some friends.😊


Hey. Your FML got published and people are reading it, so you are not being ignored.

Zekfen 17

You should form a support group for people feeling ignored. Y’all can meet and ignore each other. It will be awesome!

If you need acknowledgement that badly, I know one sure fire way to get people's attention. Whip it out in public. Trust me, it works every time, even if your dangus is as tiny as mine.

If OP is american he could try shooting up a school, nightclub or something like that. It draws waaaay more attention than showing dick outdoors, with the benefit of not risking being laughed at by the size of your junk.

Ask us your question. You know this community; always there to help out.

Well, you aren't being ignored here. I hate to tell you, though that writing a newspaper advice column is not the best remedy for feeling ignored. They get far more letters and questions than they can possibly deal with.

Most newspapers won't run personal ads like this. Looking for a date is also a no-no. I work at a newspaper, so trust me on that.