Money money money

By Alittlebitiffy - 26/04/2017 14:00

Today, my husband insists he'll be able to make a career out of playing League of Legends. He says this with only $4 in our bank account because of his last brilliant career move. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 855
You deserved it 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

If he ain't making money with LOL before, he ain't gonna make money now. Professional players practice and play everyday for years before becoming good enough to turn pro.

nononsense14 8

This is why it's important to have your own savings.


TMO2142 25

The game is dying to be honest. There are much better games out now. Tell him to try another game.

ladybadone 9

as a gamer for years you have to be super good to make money, get sponsors and be a teenager with super fast reflexes

Adeline90 10

If he doesn´t come to his senses, cut off the internet; if that doesn´t work, dump him...seriously

mindyobidzness 4

Why are you sharing a bank account with him?

Your husband is either too dumb to realize how serious the situation is or smart enough to know you'll let him get away with it. You need to get him in line / dump his sorry ass already. Otherwise, whatever happens next, you totally deserved it.

deadunicorn 10

Even my dumb ass got a job while I make videos and play games, this guys too young mentally.