Monster Munch

By Stupid_Chick - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that my family hides food from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 606
You deserved it 19 549

Top comments

kevtheloser 0

Which of your chins are they hiding the food under?

rachelauren11 0

^^^ heyyy! I'm not fat and my family hides food from me too.


queenbitch1996 5

my dad hides the freakin' twinkies and poptarts from me. TWINKIES AND POPTARTS!!!! i mean really!?!?!?!

If it's gotten bad enough that they need to hide food from you, you may have an eating problem. I have to hide food from my sister too. She has an eating problem. : /

x_uoyevoli 0

how is this a bad thing?? wtf cares? really you sound like a 500 pound 5O year old virgin sayin that..... just saying mybe they did it for your good.

Dragonpark 0

lol my parents do that to my older brother when he comes over

YouKnowJosh 0

my family does the same just because I eat everything but I'm skinny as a stick

Ellira87 4

lol. I always hide the good shit, lived in alot of share houses and it just pisses me off if they take it especially my chocolate

lmao36 3

Lmaaao. I hid food in my room

How is this an FML? Your family loves you enough to be concerned about your apparent eating problem...