Monster Munch

By Stupid_Chick - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that my family hides food from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 606
You deserved it 19 549

Top comments

kevtheloser 0

Which of your chins are they hiding the food under?

rachelauren11 0

^^^ heyyy! I'm not fat and my family hides food from me too.


winslow310560 0

are they being polite and not telling you something that would hurt your feelings? I hope you know how to take a hint

I eat all the food so my family can't hide it on me.

I eat all the food so my family can't hide it on me.

How is this an FML? It sounds like this persons just bitching about life

It's more exciting when they have to hide all the booze.

EcstacyVonVanity 0

mine does too. I'm a 14 year old girl and I'm 82 lbs.

Lol fatass. It's ok op, I'm a fatass too.

neenaxo 0

That's why we got fast food and trash cans to get rid of the evidence :)