Monster Munch

By Stupid_Chick - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that my family hides food from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 606
You deserved it 19 549

Top comments

kevtheloser 0

Which of your chins are they hiding the food under?

rachelauren11 0

^^^ heyyy! I'm not fat and my family hides food from me too.


My aunt's husband can't stop himself from eating snacks. So he complains when there are good things to eat at home. So my aunt continues to buy some snacks and hides them, so that her children and herself can continue to eat, without making her husband miserable. All this to say that it's not necessarily a FML. If you eat everything before they can take a single thing, then YDI. If it's to help you watch your weight, why do you complain? If you wanted this food THAT bad, you'd buy it yourself.

Maybe there's a reason for that; do you usually eat like a pig?

karlymuffinx 0
wagwag 0

thats not that bad if your a fat ass


ha your so fat after you cook the ham it gets up and walks away. hop on a treadmill and it might come back.

my parents do that, too. when i find the food, i leave a note on it saying, "Nice try!"

rawrimadinosour 0

Ha Ha I actually end up starving to death because of my little monster. My mom buys my favorite food for me, she starts complaining that I don't eat. So when my food is in the kitchen, my little brother ends up eating it. So now I hide my food from him in my room.

I hide my food from my sister because she always steals it. :(