
By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 19:11 - Italy

Today, I was walking to class with my roommate. She didn't notice the car coming up behind her because her headphones were in. As I pulled her out of the way, she thought I was goofing around and shoved me back... in front of the car. I got hit and rolled off the hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 368
You deserved it 6 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kalofinator 0

Oh no! At least you're not hurt too badly - unless you're typing this with your cast in a hospital bed. She's got to feel awful!!

Hi_Itz_Me 0


um.. how are you able to type this?

foreverxalwaysx 0

Oh shit :/ #31, cars go speeding by my school all the time.

so you got hit and was like, " I NEED TO GO POST THIS ON FML LIKE RIGHT NAO "?...

next time push her into on-coming traffic, that'll show her

johnnyramone 0

.... i'm usually a gentelman and not vulgar in anyway but, dude she should give you head for

Funtertaining11 0

I"m sorry. I bet she feels guilty now; she should, especially if you got hurt.

Whoa. That's just. Wow. Bitch move on her part. Bet she felt pretty damn awful once she realized you were only trying to save her. How are your injuries?

birchofacookie 0

Next time, make sure it's a bus. And don't push her out of the way. Who said that? BTW, where do you live? Japan? Japanese people always cross the street at the most inopportune moments... when the crazy people need milk.