
By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 19:11 - Italy

Today, I was walking to class with my roommate. She didn't notice the car coming up behind her because her headphones were in. As I pulled her out of the way, she thought I was goofing around and shoved me back... in front of the car. I got hit and rolled off the hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 354
You deserved it 6 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kalofinator 0

Oh no! At least you're not hurt too badly - unless you're typing this with your cast in a hospital bed. She's got to feel awful!!

Hi_Itz_Me 0


She must feel terrible! God that is a good story to tell people though! "I got hit by a car once! Although Tiffany kinda pushed me into it... She thought I was kidding and she kinda... Yeah, you get the point!" But yeah, I hope you're not hurt too badly. It doesn't always give you serious injuries unless the driver's going really fast... For some reason I imagine this to be at an intersection.

And the car doesn't even think to stop? The driver is a jack ass

#15 Lmao, I hope you're joking. #52 No matter how tragic the FML, there's always a couple hundred/thousand losers that vote YDI. #66 When a person just shoots out in front of you like that, it's hard to just stop the car, even if you noticed in time, which I doubt s/he did. And yeah, at least she didn't intentionally shove you in front of the car, she was just careless. If she's human she'd feel horrible too.

awww, i hope u feel better u got one stupid roomie

ok let me tell you about my day. first i wake up to go to school and i step in a big ass dog shit. so i go to school smelling like doo doo. then i got caught ******* my neighbors dog after school by my mom. i satrted crying so she let me suck on her pointy ass nipples then i threw up everywhere because she got some hair on her nipples and i got some in my mouth so yeah that shit was straight up nasty. so tell me if that isnt a bad day.

Whos 0

If you were walking with your friend why did she have headphones in anyway lol