
By Anonymous - 07/05/2009 19:11 - Italy

Today, I was walking to class with my roommate. She didn't notice the car coming up behind her because her headphones were in. As I pulled her out of the way, she thought I was goofing around and shoved me back... in front of the car. I got hit and rolled off the hood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 129 354
You deserved it 6 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kalofinator 0

Oh no! At least you're not hurt too badly - unless you're typing this with your cast in a hospital bed. She's got to feel awful!!

Hi_Itz_Me 0


how could you vote you deserve this!? wtf i never understand you idiots!

bsneeze 0

aww i hope you're okay! boo to your roommate for pushing into the cars way.

ughhhhhh #21 go you!!! that is what I was going to say!!! AHHH!!! damn you!!! FML-i got beat the the punch. that's what you get for trying to be a hero. i know that this is shitty to say, but i'm quite sure none of my friends would do that for i'm a wee bit sad.

Wow, that really sucks. Hope you're OK. At least you're going to be able to play on that guilt for a while. Breakfast in bed all month imo. ^^

xThatRandomGirlx 0

OMG, I really hope you're alright now! You're roommate owes you big time now. Have 'em take you on a trip, and make 'em pay for all of it.

I suppose it could have been worse, you could have been RUN over...FYL though!