Movie night

By uncomfortable - 12/03/2009 00:20 - Canada

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and his parents. It got to an intense sex scene. I felt grateful when I saw his father reaching for the remote to fastforward past the scene. He put it into slowmotion. We watched in silence for about 3 minutes before he managed to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 375
You deserved it 5 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just be grateful he didn't reach for the tissues.

Something tells me it wasn't on purpose.... Did it set you in the mood later?


wrestler_fml 0

Maybe he wanted his son to get some action, so he was trying to put you guys in the mood? At least he didn't start whackin it in the middle of the movie, though. And I thought my girlfriend making me watch "the notebook" was bad.....

MissFae 0

I hit the YDI cause if you are that uncomfortable with sex to be relieved that he was going to FF it, maybe you need to watch a good slowmo sex scene to realize it's not a big deal at all. Seriously....this discomfort with the human body and with sex is developmentally stunting to young people. You're going to end up with a miserable sex life if and when you dare to even try it.

dillynf39 3

You probably have a miserable sex life too, based on your looks


#22 has a point. Maybe your friend's father knows you better than you think and he wanted you to learn something...

AlmostHuman123 0

God, that must've been uncomfortable.

bumbum94 0

Talk about an akward moment and a half lol. =)

#22 you definitely have a point. If you're that uncomfortable with sex then maybe watching that scene in slow motion was a learning experience that made you more comfortable with yourself.

choppedNskrewed 0

Lol! Has anyone else ever noticed that when there are FMLs that cannot possibly be the person's fault, there are usually about 520-540 "You Deserved It"-s? It's like there are 520 people that just randomly click YDI. It's funny. Is it just me? Someone check!

#3: Sometimes I pick YDI if it's just a WHY IS THIS AN FML? situation. Like this one. A bit awkward, yeah, but... really? FML?

mr_cricket 0

ok im curious as to how old this person is if the dad was going to ff. If he put it in slo-mo accidentally, thats just f*in awkward anyways. but i sat and watched the "f*** me santa scene" as well as the rest of Bad santa sitting next to my x fiances mom. Try that on for awkward. FML.

bassguitar19 1

i pressed YDI because holy crap! why would you want to fast foward a sex scene! if you are so mature with your boyfriend and your watching mature movies YOU SHOULD BE MATURE ENOUGH TO WATCH PEOPLE HAVE SEX.