Movie night

By uncomfortable - 12/03/2009 00:20 - Canada

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and his parents. It got to an intense sex scene. I felt grateful when I saw his father reaching for the remote to fastforward past the scene. He put it into slowmotion. We watched in silence for about 3 minutes before he managed to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 375
You deserved it 5 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just be grateful he didn't reach for the tissues.

Something tells me it wasn't on purpose.... Did it set you in the mood later?


I'm not a prude or anything, but I'd be uncomfortable watching a sex scene with my girlfriend's parents. Especially since they're strict Asian parents.

meanbeech 0

... from now on.. watch disney if youre that uncomfortable with sex. life is fun in never never land just ask micheal jackson. you realize if you are "mautre" enough to have a boyfriend then you are mature enough to be exposed to sex (maybe not having sex yet). Sex is a natural part of being in the mature world, I mean... i had sex three times just today (with my fiance) but you need to get comfortable with the idea of sex. Granted it feels awkward since its your boyfriends parents but movies have ratings for a reason, and if his family was willing to watch it you should be open to it too. and sex in movies only shows breasts and ass.. i could only imagine how uncomfortable youd feel if you accidently watch a ****. take it in stride and grow up. sex isnt bad, people that are prude and uncomfortable with watching it in a movie need to get the sitcks out their ass and remember its a part of life. after all sex is how you got here sweety believe it or not.

machinegt 0
TheNameless_fml 0

If I were a parent I'd do something like that on purpose. >.>

I agree with 1 and 32. ; ) Nice try from the father though. ^^

People have sex get the **** over it. It's natural.

I don't understand why that's FML. First you're a girl so there's no risk of getting a boner and making the whole situation weird. Second sex is nice. To watch or do have. Go try it :)

I agree with the 31, just because you have sex doesn't mean you wanna watch a sex scene with your parents or your significant other's parents. It's just awkward.