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Mucho sexy

By icareaboutmyhair - 28/02/2011 15:27 - Estonia

Today, I discovered that I have dandruff, which I've never had before. I googled the possible reasons, some being depression and hormones. Not only have I not had sex for a year, but it's also the reason I have dandruff. And apparently I'm depressed. How sexy is that? FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 819
You deserved it 6 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ulicksam 0

What a drama queen! How about dry skin??

Are you retarded? Dandruff typically comes from dry skin... people who wash their hair too much, or sweat to much. I've NEVER heard of it being depression based, and I'm 3rd year pre-med.


WTF this is just crazy. I suffer from depression and I haven’t had sex yet. I don't see dandruff on my scalp.

MuchDance90s 0

you have beautiful hair. dandruff would be an absolute travesty on your head.

i dont know 14 i think a see a flake... *scraches iphone screen* never mind it was just food on my screen :P

Lol well I had depression for six Years and didn't get dandruff but this winter I got v v dry skin and got a lil bit of dandruff used some shampoo n it went straight away :) xx

and random people on fml are a better source of info?

i was just saying i had depression so its not just caused by that crise

Your shampoo/ conditioner could be irritating you (irritation can take a while to build up, so you could have been using it for months without a problem) same idea with hair dye if you use it.. Google is not a good dermatologist...

you're as sexy as you feel. Buck up, get some confidence. Confidence is sexy. Who cares about dandruff?


No sex + depression = dandruff. Wow I wish calculus was this easy


No sex = no dandruff = depression. HAVE SEX DAMMIT!!

Sinkhole 26

I can see why calculus is difficult for you. According to OP, your first equation was right, "No sex + depression = dandruff". Your second equation implies that not having sex and being depressed equals to not having dandruff; then you tell her to have sex, it doesn't make sense. Notice how I said "According to OP", 'cause of course her dandruff is not caused by lack of sex. Stress can definitely increase the risk, but so do fatigue, oily skin, infrequent cleaning of hair, obesity and skin disorders. So, hormones could increase the risk in a very indirect way, by causing acne, but it's silly to say that the lack of sex gives her dandruff.


OP says not only has she not had sex for a year, it's also why she has dandruff. Please read to back up your arguments.


OP directly says that the reason why she has dandruff is because of her lack of sex. Please read to back up your arguments.

Sinkhole 26

I think you should reread your comment and my reply. OP said "Not only have I not had sex for a year, but it's also the reason I have dandruff" and you said "No sex = no dandruff". So, shouldn't your equation say "No sex = dandruff"? I was merely stating the mistake you made there, an extra 'no' can make a big difference.

perdix 29

Wear a hat to a bar and let the first guy who talks to you bone you. You'll fix the depression, hormone and dandruff problems in one shot* *unless he gives you an STD, and then you'll have a different raft of problems, but not dandruff :D

QueenPersephone 9

Did google also mentiom that you are a hypochondriac and an attention *****?

How do you spell mention wrong but get hypochondriac right?

because the mention was probably a typo

Not sexy at all, man, not sexy at all. Have you met your hand?

what a dumbass I have sex and sometimes get down in the dumps but I still get that cause my scap gets really dry easily