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Mean girls

By Anonymous - 30/09/2020 07:25 - United States

Today, I watched our presidential candidates face off like high school girls with the whole world watching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 358
You deserved it 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

I think I lasted about 20 minutes. I know who I’m voting for, and I can get more information from the reports, summaries, fact checks, etc., on it. That was a shitshow. Like, holy shit.

High school girls? You give them too much credit. Like way too much. It’s more like two 2-year olds throwing tantrums. I would say they’re showing how old people regress to infancy, but one of them appears to have never grown up in the 1st place.


Marcella1016 31

I think I lasted about 20 minutes. I know who I’m voting for, and I can get more information from the reports, summaries, fact checks, etc., on it. That was a shitshow. Like, holy shit.

wysegirl 24

The whole government needs a reset. They only care about themselves.

You deserve it. I didn’t watch and my life is fine. You did this to yourself, it wasn’t going to change how you’ve decided to vote.

High school girls? You give them too much credit. Like way too much. It’s more like two 2-year olds throwing tantrums. I would say they’re showing how old people regress to infancy, but one of them appears to have never grown up in the 1st place.

High school girls? More like dotard vs dotard, IMO.

It was an embarrassing spectacle, but the sides weren't equivalent. Trump was much more rude and offensive. Biden had to defend himself and counter-punch. For years I've seen that when Democrats try to rise above Republican mud, they lose. Only the ones that fight back win.

this is an insult to highschool girls

I renamed the second debate "Pot Shots: Part Deux", but no one found it funny. And now that Trump is in the hospital, it may not happen, which crushes my spirit even more.