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I could see, but didn't wanna

By Anonymous - 02/03/2022 14:00

Today, I had my window open while playing my Xbox when my angry neighbour came over and kicked my ass for spying on his wife in the shower. Apparently, my room is opposite their bathroom, but my TV faces the opposite way, so I wasn’t even facing the right direction to be spying. Plus, his wife is ugly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 149
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So call the police and file assault charges instead of posting on FML

You better press charges ASAP. Nobody should get away with an unwarranted assault.


Did you mention that his wife is ugly? With time, your wounds will heal, but his wife will just keep getting uglier.

So call the police and file assault charges instead of posting on FML

You better press charges ASAP. Nobody should get away with an unwarranted assault.

It won't work. Juries never convict men with ugly wives. They don't want them to "trade up" in prison.