MY SHIT Do Not Eat!

By you're shitting me - 27/05/2013 05:05 - Australia

Today, after months of tests for mystery nerve pain, I went to get more blood taken only to leave the clinic with an empty tin to collect my bowel movements for the next 72 hours. Which needs to be refrigerated. I live with four other people, with one fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 676
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#61, for the next 72 hours. I think the problem is not OP, but you and your ability to read.


Misskayfoyer 14

Maybe rent a hotel for a couple of days? Most of them have mini fridges. It will save you the embarrassment. Or just explain the situation to them.

Put their names on it to mess with their heads! LOL!

awhhhyeah 1

Not so much about the FML as it is your nerve pain. Have your doctor check your B6 levels; it's a simple blood test. My mom had B6 toxicity which caused tremendous discomfort and pain. Totally weird and not super well known. Hope you have a speedy recovery and understanding roomies!

time to get a mini fridge for urself OP. :/ FYL

Just don't place it the chunky peanut butter jar.

C3l3n3 1

Why not put it in an ice chest on ice? It just has to stay cold...

JCal585 8

Eat right and work out. You would be amazed what happens when you treat your body right.. Then you wouldn't need to shit in a pan..

scice03 8

Get a mini fridge for your room.

Have you tried going to a chiropractor? I'm not trying to preach but I had the same problem and my chiropractor fixed it.

PrinceDarko 13

There is one way out. Get a mini fridge