MY SHIT Do Not Eat!

By you're shitting me - 27/05/2013 05:05 - Australia

Today, after months of tests for mystery nerve pain, I went to get more blood taken only to leave the clinic with an empty tin to collect my bowel movements for the next 72 hours. Which needs to be refrigerated. I live with four other people, with one fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 676
You deserved it 3 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#61, for the next 72 hours. I think the problem is not OP, but you and your ability to read.


Or keep a cooler in your room and keep it in there. Just get enough ice for the next few days

Why would you even agree to do that? There has to be some alternative to storing your shit in the fridge. That's ******* disgusting.

I believe the alternative is not finding out what is wrong with you. There are reasons tests are ordered n the order that they are. I have only had to do this with urine and I have a small fridge I use to keep lizard feed in so it wasn't a problem.

Don't you dare stick your shit in the fridge with other people's food! Get a cooler and ice.

Um for nerve pain? Get a bone scan and look up CRPS. Most docs dont know what it is and there is no test for it. FYL for having dumbass doctors

amy6703 6

Oh that sucks, you should invest in a small personal refrigerator and hide it in your room. Good luck.

onorexveritas 23

that's going to be awkward. "no, Mark! that's not food!"

Hey who put that shit in the fridge!?

MsMourningStar 22

Mini fridges are awesome dude.

get bucket and a bag of ice from 7-11....problem solved