Nature is harsh

By fallsdownplenty45 - 02/06/2009 11:08 - Taiwan

Today, I went biking. I attempted a large hill and lost control, slipped, and fell ten feet into a sewage pit. Riding home covered in crap, my sock caught my chain and I flipped over my bike. My dad had to spray me with the garden hose, bloody and shitty, in the front yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 931
You deserved it 6 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

You might want to look into a tetanus shot and some antibiotics... feces and open wounds do not mix.


Cdldriver 0

Such a pendejo how old are you?

I know this is awful but it made me chuckle :/ Hope you're okay?

SayNo2Quack 0

Totally and 100% deserved that.

YDI for riding a bike. only idiots ride bikes. seriously, what kind of a loser are you?

firey994 0

99 lots of people ride bikes. your probably some fatass who eat mcdonalds and burger king for every meal

fml1358 0

man that sucks. and #99 a lot of people ride bikes and they aren't idiots

Lokkjaw 0

Haha bichass you def deserve it for effin showing off

jeremymg91 0

#100 you are a loser. you are perpetrating the lie. bikeriders are filthy communists.

Your life ******* sucks were you covered in shit like the slumdog kid LOL