Nature is harsh

By fallsdownplenty45 - 02/06/2009 11:08 - Taiwan

Today, I went biking. I attempted a large hill and lost control, slipped, and fell ten feet into a sewage pit. Riding home covered in crap, my sock caught my chain and I flipped over my bike. My dad had to spray me with the garden hose, bloody and shitty, in the front yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 931
You deserved it 6 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments

poolshark 0

You might want to look into a tetanus shot and some antibiotics... feces and open wounds do not mix.


pickwick716 0

Pretty much proof FML puts up fake ones. No one in the past 100 years has ever been that unfortunate.

That is soooo something that would happen to me!! Sorry OP, feel better soon!!!

Story is bullshit. On top of there never being any "open sewage pits" in any remotely advanced civilization, you wouldn't be riding through hills that so happened to be around one. Treatment plants that handle sewage are extremely pungent and a pit containing raw excerement would smell a hundred times worse, as plants are forced to try and mask the scent as best they can to avoid disturbing city folk.

pickwick716 0

Although his extensive knowledge of sewage is both impressive and a bit eyebrow raising, the man is correct. Only dumb people would fall for this one.

gymnasty2233 0

That's stinks. I feel so bad for you. So sorry.

record for the worst bike ride ever, man

hahahaha thats hilarious one of the best fml ive read fyl tho