Neighbors from hell

By Myself - 06/09/2010 10:45 - United States

Today, after a few months of my neighbor's friend parking outside his house and honking until he came outside, I happened to be out doing lawn work. I politely screamed, "STOP HONKING YOUR F***ING HORN!" To which they responded by moving in front of MY house and holding down their horn. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 494
You deserved it 16 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTSchool 0

You 'politely screamed'? I never knew people could scream... with manners.

DisappearingRose 18

haha, that sucks. I would've gotten mad too though


Dont you know, everyones legs might fall off if they get out of their vehicle too often.

ImTheMusicDude 0

yeah, definitely, how can you POLITELY scream PROFANITY, screaming in the first place isn't even polite. Yeah, that was a dick move to honk in front of your house, but you just as much deserve it for thinking you were polite.

define: sarcasm Enter that into Google. It will cure you.

ydi for being a pussy. blow up that F**king car!

MyLifeSucks618 0

this is actually pretty terrible

yagurlteeteexoxo 0

YDI... That's not the polite way...

f*ck you - i like the new way of being polite

bugmenotmofo 34

If you're going to start trouble, be sure you're ready to end it. Walk over to the car, and pull him out of the car. If he locks the door, smash the window and drag him out. Beat him senseless. Open hood, find horn (Very easy) and yank/cut wires. Proceed to beat him senseless yet again. If you're feeling generous, let him leave. If not, severely **** up his car (If you're not car savvy, just look for shit to yank out. DOn't electrocute yourself). @83 He was joking about the politeness part, you dumb piece of shit

Poster_Pastry 0

i like # 22's comment about the air horn