Neighbours from hell

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Oakville

Today, my new neighbours moved in. I've neither seen nor spoken to them yet; all I know is that they enjoy hammering at the walls for hours on end and repeatedly setting off the fire alarm. All this in the small hours of the morning. I got two hours of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 470
You deserved it 2 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey! I love doing that too! Me and your neighbours should have a party! At their place of course, wouldn't want to bother my neighbours.

You should get them back. Set off the fire alarm at three AM. By setting their door on fire. Welcome to the neighbourhood!


meggy2010 5

That kinda sounds like my dorm experience. I never showered at night because almost every night, somewhere between 12-3 a.m., the fire alarm would go off because apparently no one knows how to pop popcorn without burning it.

My neighbors are pieces of shit too. So loud with ZERO consideration. Sorry mate

trueblue170 13

"Of course you know, this means WAR."

They are obviously fixing up the place to move into it and sometime shit has to be done at all hours. It shouldn't last long. Heck go offer to help and it will take less time

just douse their door with gasoline and set fire to it. then beat on their door really hard with a hammer a couple times then run like hell. thatll teach them a lesson or two!

does anyone besides me think their running a meth lab?

Then, I suggest you either become nocturnal or bombard them with loud noises during the day while they're probably trying to sleep after their night of excitement.

Report them for noise disturbance. They should not make noise after half eleven

sparklecherry 4

Find out when they sleep, and do the same thing.