Never forget

By mariokarter - 28/08/2009 04:41 - United Kingdom

Today, on the train on the way to my mother's house, I was playing Mario Kart with my son. He got a 'bomb' item, and yelled quite loudly, "I have a bomb!" Panic ensued. We got thrown off the train at the next stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 649
You deserved it 7 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i really really hope the last part is a lie, and instead you just got glared at, my faith in the people of this country is low enough as it is.

FlaminYawn 0

at least he didn't yell "I've got mushrooms and a bullet", or "I've got 3 shells, these guys in front of me are about to get hit"


wow they get scared of a kid with a ds those stupid retards u shouldve had ur kid puking at the guards

omg people are tarded usually when u hear a childlish puny voice saying "iv got a bomb" u start laughing u don't panic zomg

that sucks but luckaly it wasent a plain you would of got arrested it happens to my friend before

steve42293 0
NYChx25 0

tht sucks o.o i live in N.Y and if i heard anyone say they had a bomb i would have a panic attack that shit aint funny around here

i hate it when im in first place, and i throw a bomb forward by accedent, and i get caught in the explosion and i fall to 6th place.

cindayy77 0

omg I'm in school and this almost made me burst out laughing xDD

corruptblackkat 17

welcome to the society we live in thanks to media and gov..... land of the free i think not